Returns a vector of interaction strengths between variable v and all other variables, see Details.

  nbins = NULL,
  color_num = TRUE,
  scale = FALSE,
  adjusted = FALSE



An object of class "shapviz".


Variable name to calculate potential SHAP interactions for.


Into how many quantile bins should a numeric v be binned? The default NULL equals the smaller of \(n/20\) and \(\sqrt n\) (rounded up), where \(n\) is the sample size. Ignored if obj contains SHAP interactions.


Should other ("color") features v' be converted to numeric, even if they are factors/characters? Default is TRUE. Ignored if obj contains SHAP interactions.


Should adjusted R-squared be multiplied with the sample variance of within-bin SHAP values? If TRUE, bins with stronger vertical scatter will get higher weight. The default is FALSE. Ignored if obj contains SHAP interactions.


Should adjusted R-squared be used? Default is FALSE.


A named vector of decreasing interaction strengths.


If SHAP interaction values are available, the interaction strength between feature v and another feature v' is measured by twice their mean absolute SHAP interaction values.

Otherwise, we use a heuristic calculated as follows:

  1. If v is numeric, it is binned into nbins bins.

  2. Per bin, the SHAP values of v are regressed onto v, and the R-squared is calculated. Rows with missing v' are discarded.

  3. The R-squared are averaged over bins, weighted by the number of non-missing v' values.

This measures how much variability in the SHAP values of v is explained by v', after accounting for v.

Set scale = TRUE to multiply the R-squared by the within-bin variance of the SHAP values. This will put higher weight to bins with larger scatter.

Set color_num = FALSE to not turn the values of the "color" feature v' to numeric.

Finally, set adjusted = TRUE to use adjusted R-squared.

The algorithm does not consider observations with missing v' values.

See also