This function combines a list of compatible "shapviz" objects to an object of class "mshapviz". The elements can be named.
mshapviz(object, ...)
A "mshapviz" object.
S <- matrix(c(1, -1, -1, 1), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y")))
X <- data.frame(x = c("a", "b"), y = c(100, 10))
s1 <- shapviz(S, X, baseline = 4)[1L]
s2 <- shapviz(S, X, baseline = 4)[2L]
s <- mshapviz(c(shp1 = s1, shp2 = s2))
#> 'mshapviz' object representing 2 'shapviz' objects:
#> 'shp1': 1 x 2 SHAP matrix
#> 'shp2': 1 x 2 SHAP matrix