This function calculate local importance measure in eight variants. We obtain eight variants measure through the possible options of three parameters such as absolute_deviation, point and density.

  absolute_deviation = TRUE,
  point = TRUE,
  density = TRUE,
  grid_points = 101



data.frame generated by DALEX::predict_profile(), DALEX::individual_profile() or ingredients::ceteris_paribus()


data.frame with raw data to model


logical parameter, if absolute_deviation = TRUE then measure is calculated as absolute deviation, else is calculated as a root from average squares


logical parameter, if point = TRUE then measure is calculated as a distance from f(x), else measure is calculated as a distance from average profiles


logical parameter, if density = TRUE then measure is weighted based on the density of variable, else is not weighted


maximum number of points for profile calculations, the default values is 101, the same as in ingredients::ceteris_paribus(), if you use a different on, you should also change here


A data.frame of the class local_variable_importance. It's a data.frame with calculated local variable importance measure.


library("DALEX") data(apartments) library("randomForest") apartments_rf_model <- randomForest(m2.price ~ construction.year + surface + floor + no.rooms, data = apartments) explainer_rf <- explain(apartments_rf_model, data = apartmentsTest[,2:5], y = apartmentsTest$m2.price)
#> Preparation of a new explainer is initiated #> -> model label : randomForest ( default ) #> -> data : 9000 rows 4 cols #> -> target variable : 9000 values #> -> predict function : yhat.randomForest will be used ( default ) #> -> predicted values : numerical, min = 2088.426 , mean = 3515.222 , max = 5384.985 #> -> model_info : package randomForest , ver. 4.6.14 , task regression ( default ) #> -> residual function : difference between y and yhat ( default ) #> -> residuals : numerical, min = -1277.025 , mean = -3.698933 , max = 2085.661 #> A new explainer has been created!
new_apartment <- data.frame(construction.year = 1998, surface = 88, floor = 2L, no.rooms = 3) profiles <- predict_profile(explainer_rf, new_apartment) library("vivo") local_variable_importance(profiles, apartments[,2:5], absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = TRUE)
#> variable_name measure _label_model_ #> 1 construction.year 179.61607 randomForest #> 2 surface 287.59996 randomForest #> 3 floor 274.95305 randomForest #> 4 no.rooms 64.27073 randomForest #> _label_method_ #> 1 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = TRUE #> 2 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = TRUE #> 3 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = TRUE #> 4 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = TRUE
local_variable_importance(profiles, apartments[,2:5], absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = FALSE)
#> variable_name measure _label_model_ #> 1 construction.year 178.67763 randomForest #> 2 surface 283.38958 randomForest #> 3 floor 257.88508 randomForest #> 4 no.rooms 59.82041 randomForest #> _label_method_ #> 1 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = FALSE #> 2 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = FALSE #> 3 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = FALSE #> 4 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = TRUE, density = FALSE
local_variable_importance(profiles, apartments[,2:5], absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = FALSE, density = TRUE)
#> variable_name measure _label_model_ #> 1 construction.year 132.73394 randomForest #> 2 surface 299.56126 randomForest #> 3 floor 212.61949 randomForest #> 4 no.rooms 66.79469 randomForest #> _label_method_ #> 1 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = FALSE, density = TRUE #> 2 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = FALSE, density = TRUE #> 3 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = FALSE, density = TRUE #> 4 absolute_deviation = TRUE, point = FALSE, density = TRUE