This function calculates explanations on a dataset level that help explore model response as a function of selected pairs of variables. The explanations are calculated as an extension of Partial Dependence Profiles or Accumulated Local Effects with the inclusion of the time dimension.

  variables = NULL,
  N = 100,
  categorical_variables = NULL,
  grid_points = 25,
  center = FALSE,
  variable_splits_type = "uniform",
  type = "partial",
  output_type = "survival"

# S3 method for surv_explainer
  variables = NULL,
  N = 100,
  categorical_variables = NULL,
  grid_points = 25,
  center = FALSE,
  variable_splits_type = "uniform",
  type = "partial",
  output_type = "survival"



an explainer object - model preprocessed by the explain() function


list of character vectors of length 2, names of pairs of variables to be explained


number of observations used for the calculation of aggregated profiles. By default 100. If NULL all observations are used.


character, a vector of names of additional variables which should be treated as categorical (factors are automatically treated as categorical variables). If it contains variable names not present in the variables argument, they will be added at the end.


maximum number of points for profile calculations. Note that the final number of points may be lower than grid_points. Will be passed to internal function. By default 25.


logical, should profiles be centered around the average prediction


character, decides how variable grids should be calculated. Use "quantiles" for quantiles or "uniform" (default) to get uniform grid of points. Used only if type = "partial".


the type of variable profile, "partial" for Partial Dependence or "accumulated" for Accumulated Local Effects


either "survival", "chf" or "risk" the type of survival model output that should be considered for explanations. If "survival" the explanations are based on the survival function. If "chf" the explanations are based on the cumulative hazard function. Otherwise the scalar risk predictions are used by the DALEX::predict_profile function.


An object of class model_profile_2d_survival. It is a list with the element result containing the results of the calculation.


# \donttest{

cph <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ., data = veteran, model = TRUE, x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
cph_exp <- explain(cph)
#> Preparation of a new explainer is initiated 
#>   -> model label       :  coxph (  default  ) 
#>   -> data              :  137  rows  6  cols (  extracted from the model  ) 
#>   -> target variable   :  137  values ( 128 events and 9 censored , censoring rate = 0.066 ) (  extracted from the model  ) 
#>   -> times             :  50 unique time points , min = 1.5 , median survival time = 80 , max = 999 
#>   -> times             :  (  generated from y as uniformly distributed survival quantiles based on Kaplan-Meier estimator  ) 
#>   -> predict function  :  predict.coxph with type = 'risk' will be used (  default  ) 
#>   -> predict survival function  :  predictSurvProb.coxph will be used (  default  ) 
#>   -> predict cumulative hazard function  :  -log(predict_survival_function) will be used (  default  ) 
#>   -> model_info        :  package survival , ver. 3.7.0 , task survival (  default  ) 
#>   A new explainer has been created!  

cph_model_profile_2d <- model_profile_2d(cph_exp,
    variables = list(c("age", "celltype"))
#>   _v1name_ _v2name_  _v1type_    _v2type_        _v1value_ _v2value_ _times_
#> 1      age celltype numerical categorical               34     adeno     1.5
#> 2      age celltype numerical categorical 35.9583333333333     adeno     1.5
#> 3      age celltype numerical categorical 37.9166666666667     adeno     1.5
#> 4      age celltype numerical categorical           39.875     adeno     1.5
#> 5      age celltype numerical categorical 41.8333333333333     adeno     1.5
#> 6      age celltype numerical categorical 43.7916666666667     adeno     1.5
#>   _label_    _yhat_
#> 1   coxph 0.9707866
#> 2   coxph 0.9712691
#> 3   coxph 0.9717438
#> 4   coxph 0.9722109
#> 5   coxph 0.9726704
#> 6   coxph 0.9731225
#> Warning: Plot will be prepared for the median survial time. For another time point, set the value of `times`.

cph_model_profile_2d_ale <- model_profile_2d(cph_exp,
    variables = list(c("age", "karno")),
    type = "accumulated"
#>   _v1name_ _v2name_  _v1type_  _v2type_ _v1value_ _v2value_ _times_    _yhat_
#> 1      age    karno numerical numerical        35        20     1.5 0.9844186
#> 2      age    karno numerical numerical        35        20     4.0 0.9614581
#> 3      age    karno numerical numerical        35        20     7.0 0.9386648
#> 4      age    karno numerical numerical        35        20     8.0 0.9086675
#> 5      age    karno numerical numerical        35        20    10.0 0.8939623
#> 6      age    karno numerical numerical        35        20    12.0 0.8725289
#>   _right_ _left_ _top_ _bottom_ _count_ _label_
#> 1    36.5     35    20       25       0   coxph
#> 2    36.5     35    20       25       0   coxph
#> 3    36.5     35    20       25       0   coxph
#> 4    36.5     35    20       25       0   coxph
#> 5    36.5     35    20       25       0   coxph
#> 6    36.5     35    20       25       0   coxph
#> Warning: Plot will be prepared for the median survial time. For another time point, set the value of `times`.

# }