The dataset contains information on 13,932 single-family homes sold in Miami-Dade County in 2016. Besides publicly available information, the dataset creator Steven C. Bourassa has added distance variables, aviation noise as well as latitude and longitude.
More information can be found open-access on
The dataset can also be downloaded via miami <- OpenML::getOMLDataSet(43093)$data
A data frame with 13,932 rows and 17 columns:
unique identifier for each property. About 1% appear multiple times.
sale price ($)
land area (square feet)
floor area (square feet)
value of special features (e.g., swimming pools) ($)
distance to the nearest rail line (an indicator of noise) (feet)
distance to the ocean (feet)
distance to the nearest body of water (feet)
distance to the Miami central business district (feet)
distance to the nearest subcenter (feet)
distance to the nearest highway (an indicator of noise) (feet)
age of the structure
dummy variable for airplane noise exceeding an acceptable level
quality of the structure
sale month in 2016 (1 = jan)