Function plotD3_scalelocation plots square root of the absolute value of the residuals vs target, observed or variable values in the model. A vertical line corresponds to median.

  variable = NULL,
  smooth = FALSE,
  peaks = FALSE,
  point_count = NULL,
  single_plot = TRUE,
  scale_plot = FALSE,
  background = FALSE

  variable = NULL,
  smooth = FALSE,
  peaks = FALSE,
  point_count = NULL,
  single_plot = TRUE,
  scale_plot = FALSE,
  background = FALSE



An object of class auditor_model_residual created with model_residual function.


Other auditor_model_residual objects to be plotted together.


Name of variable to order residuals on a plot. If variable="_y_", the data is ordered by a vector of actual response (y parameter passed to the explain function). If variable = "_y_hat_" the data on the plot will be ordered by predicted response. If variable = NULL, unordered observations are presented.


Logical, indicates whenever smoothed lines should be added. By default it's FALSE.


Logical, indicates whenever peak observations should be highlighted. By default it's FALSE.


Number of points to be plotted per model. Points will be chosen randomly. By default plot all of them.


Logical, indicates whenever single or facets should be plotted. By default it's TRUE.


Logical, indicates whenever the plot should scale with height. By default it's FALSE.


Logical, available only if single_plot = FALSE. Indicates whenever background plots should be plotted. By default it's FALSE.


a r2d3 object

See also


dragons <- DALEX::dragons[1:100, ] # fit a model model_lm <- lm(life_length ~ ., data = dragons) lm_audit <- audit(model_lm, data = dragons, y = dragons$life_length)
#> Preparation of a new explainer is initiated #> -> model label : lm ( default ) #> -> data : 100 rows 8 cols #> -> target variable : 100 values #> -> predict function : yhat.lm will be used ( default ) #> -> predicted values : No value for predict function target column. ( default ) #> -> model_info : package stats , ver. 4.1.1 , task regression ( default ) #> -> predicted values : numerical, min = 585.8311 , mean = 1347.787 , max = 2942.307 #> -> residual function : difference between y and yhat ( default ) #> -> residuals : numerical, min = -88.41755 , mean = -1.489291e-13 , max = 77.92805 #> A new explainer has been created!
# validate a model with auditor mr_lm <- model_residual(lm_audit) # plot results plotD3_scalelocation(mr_lm, peaks = TRUE)