DALEX2 0.9

  • DALEX2 forked from DALEX package. The primary goal was to reduce number of dependencies and make the architecture of the whole solution more elastic. Individual explainers are moved to separate packages while DALEX2 serves only as a factory for explainers.
  • changed names of datasets, e.g. HRTest -> HR_test (#1)

DALEX 0.2.5

  • The defaults of single_prediction() are now consistent with breakDown::broken(). Specifically, baseline is now 0 by default instead of "Intercept". The user can also specify the baseline and other arguments by passing them to single_prediction. (#39) WARNING: Change in the default value of baseline.
  • New yhat.* functions help to handle additional parameters to different predict() functions.

DALEX 0.2.4

  • New dataset HR and HRTest. Target variable is a factor with three levels. Is used in examples for classification.
  • The plot.model_performance() has now show_outliers parameter. Set it to anything >0 and observations with largest residuals will be presented in the plot. (#34)

DALEX 0.2.3

  • Small fixes in variable_response() to better support of gbm models (c8393120ffb05e2f3c70b0143c4e92dc91f6c823).
  • Better title for plot_model_performance() (e5e61d0398459b78ea38ccc980c4040fd853f449).
  • Tested with breakDown v 0.1.6.

DALEX 0.2.2

  • The single_variable() / variable_response() function uses predict_function from explainer (#17)

DALEX 0.2.1

DALEX 0.2.0

  • New names for some functions: model_performance(), variable_importance(), variable_response(), outlier_detection(), prediction_breakdown(). Old names are now deprecated but still working. (#12)
  • A new dataset apartments - will be used in examples
  • variable_importance() allows work on full dataset if n_sample is negative
  • plot_model_performance() uses ecdf or boxplots (depending on geom parameter).

DALEX 0.1.8

  • Function single_variable() supports factor variables as well (with the use of factorMerger package). Remember to use type='factor' when playing with factors. (#10)
  • Change in the function explain(). Old version has an argument predict.function, now it’s predict_function. New name is more consistent with other arguments. (#7)
  • New vigniette for xgboost model (#11)

DALEX 0.1.1

  • Support for global model structure explainers with variable_dropout() function


  • DALEX package is now public
  • explain() function implemented
  • single_prediction() function implemented
  • single_variable() function implemented