Explains a random forest in a html document using plots created by randomForestExplainer
path = NULL,
interactions = FALSE,
data = NULL,
vars = NULL,
no_of_pred_plots = 3,
pred_grid = 100,
measures = NULL
A randomForest object created with the option localImp = TRUE
Path to write output html to
Logical value: should variable interactions be considered (this may be time-consuming)
The data frame on which forest was trained - necessary if interactions = TRUE
A character vector with variables with respect to which interactions will be considered if NULL then they will be selected using the important_variables() function
The number of most frequent interactions of numeric variables to plot predictions for
The number of points on the grid of plot_predict_interaction (decrease in case memory problems)
A character vector specifying the importance measures to be used for plotting ggpairs
A html document. If path is not specified, this document will be "Your_forest_explained.html" in your working directory
if (FALSE) {
forest <- randomForest::randomForest(Species ~ ., data = iris, localImp = TRUE)
explain_forest(forest, interactions = TRUE)