Calculates permutation importance for a set of features or a set of feature groups. By default, importance is calculated for all columns in X (except column names used as response y or as case weight w).

perm_importance(object, ...)

# Default S3 method
  v = NULL,
  pred_fun = stats::predict,
  loss = "squared_error",
  m_rep = 4L,
  agg_cols = FALSE,
  normalize = FALSE,
  n_max = 10000L,
  w = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

# S3 method for class 'ranger'
  v = NULL,
  pred_fun = function(m, X, ...) stats::predict(m, X, ...)$predictions,
  loss = "squared_error",
  m_rep = 4L,
  agg_cols = FALSE,
  normalize = FALSE,
  n_max = 10000L,
  w = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,

# S3 method for class 'explainer'
  X = object[["data"]],
  y = object[["y"]],
  v = NULL,
  pred_fun = object[["predict_function"]],
  loss = "squared_error",
  m_rep = 4L,
  agg_cols = FALSE,
  normalize = FALSE,
  n_max = 10000L,
  w = object[["weights"]],
  verbose = TRUE,



Fitted model object.


Additional arguments passed to pred_fun(object, X, ...), for instance type = "response" in a glm() model, or reshape = TRUE in a multiclass XGBoost model.


A data.frame or matrix serving as background dataset.


Vector/matrix of the response, or the corresponding column names in X.


Vector of feature names, or named list of feature groups. The default (NULL) will use all column names of X with the following exception: If y or w are passed as column names, they are dropped.


Prediction function of the form function(object, X, ...), providing \(K \ge 1\) predictions per row. Its first argument represents the model object, its second argument a data structure like X. Additional arguments (such as type = "response" in a GLM, or reshape = TRUE in a multiclass XGBoost model) can be passed via .... The default, stats::predict(), will work in most cases.


One of "squared_error", "logloss", "mlogloss", "poisson", "gamma", or "absolute_error". Alternatively, a loss function can be provided that turns observed and predicted values into a numeric vector or matrix of unit losses of the same length as X. For "mlogloss", the response y can either be a dummy matrix or a discrete vector. The latter case is handled via a fast version of model.matrix(~ as.factor(y) + 0). For "squared_error", the response can be a factor with levels in column order of the predictions. In this case, squared error is evaluated for each one-hot-encoded column.


Number of permutations (default 4).


Should multivariate losses be summed up? Default is FALSE. In combination with the squared error loss, agg_cols = TRUE gives the Brier score for (probabilistic) classification.


Should importance statistics be divided by average loss? Default is FALSE. If TRUE, an importance of 1 means that the average loss has been doubled by shuffling that feature's column.


If X has more than n_max rows, a random sample of n_max rows is selected from X. In this case, set a random seed for reproducibility.


Optional vector of case weights. Can also be a column name of X.


Should a progress bar be shown? The default is TRUE.


An object of class "hstats_matrix" containing these elements:

  • M: Matrix of statistics (one column per prediction dimension), or NULL.

  • SE: Matrix with standard errors of M, or NULL. Multiply with sqrt(m_rep) to get standard deviations instead. Currently, supported only for perm_importance().

  • m_rep: The number of repetitions behind standard errors SE, or NULL. Currently, supported only for perm_importance().

  • statistic: Name of the function that generated the statistic.

  • description: Description of the statistic.


The permutation importance of a feature is defined as the increase in the average loss when shuffling the corresponding feature values before calculating predictions. By default, the process is repeated m_rep = 4 times, and the results are averaged. In most of the cases, importance values should be derived from an independent test data set. Set normalize = TRUE to get relative increases in average loss.

Methods (by class)

  • perm_importance(default): Default method.

  • perm_importance(ranger): Method for "ranger" models.

  • perm_importance(explainer): Method for DALEX "explainer".


The default loss is the "squared_error". Other choices:

  • "absolute_error": The absolute error is the loss corresponding to median regression.

  • "poisson": Unit Poisson deviance, i.e., the loss function used in Poisson regression. Actual values y and predictions must be non-negative.

  • "gamma": Unit gamma deviance, i.e., the loss function of Gamma regression. Actual values y and predictions must be positive.

  • "logloss": The Log Loss is the loss function used in logistic regression, and the top choice in probabilistic binary classification. Responses y and predictions must be between 0 and 1. Predictions represent probabilities of having a "1".

  • "mlogloss": Multi-Log-Loss is the natural loss function in probabilistic multi-class situations. If there are K classes and n observations, the predictions form a (n x K) matrix of probabilities (with row-sums 1). The observed values y are either passed as (n x K) dummy matrix, or as discrete vector with corresponding levels. The latter case is turned into a dummy matrix by a fast version of model.matrix(~ as.factor(y) + 0).

  • A function with signature f(actual, predicted), returning a numeric vector or matrix of the same length as the input.


Fisher A., Rudin C., Dominici F. (2018). All Models are Wrong but many are Useful: Variable Importance for Black-Box, Proprietary, or Misspecified Prediction Models, using Model Class Reliance. Arxiv.


# MODEL 1: Linear regression
fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris)
s <- perm_importance(fit, X = iris, y = "Sepal.Length")
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |==================                                                    |  25%
  |===================================                                   |  50%
  |====================================================                  |  75%
  |======================================================================| 100%

#> Permutation importance
#> Petal.Length      Species  Petal.Width  Sepal.Width 
#>   3.94341264   0.35511950   0.11329728   0.08235388 
#>                    [,1]
#> Petal.Length 3.94341264
#> Species      0.35511950
#> Petal.Width  0.11329728
#> Sepal.Width  0.08235388
s$SE  # Standard errors are available thanks to repeated shuffling
#>                     [,1]
#> Petal.Length 0.243202423
#> Species      0.023463859
#> Petal.Width  0.003875789
#> Sepal.Width  0.003777218

plot(s, err_type = "SD")  # Standard deviations instead of standard errors

# Groups of features can be passed as named list
v <- list(petal = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"), species = "Species")
s <- perm_importance(fit, X = iris, y = "Sepal.Length", v = v, verbose = FALSE)
#> Permutation importance
#>     petal   species 
#> 3.0235937 0.3596812 

# MODEL 2: Multi-response linear regression
fit <- lm(as.matrix(iris[, 1:2]) ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species, data = iris)
s <- perm_importance(fit, X = iris[, 3:5], y = iris[, 1:2], normalize = TRUE)
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |=======================                                               |  33%
  |===============================================                       |  67%
  |======================================================================| 100%
#> Permutation importance (relative)
#>               Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
#> Petal.Length 44.1555884272    1.638492
#> Species      14.6144263498   21.806533
#> Petal.Width  -0.0002101401    5.176280

plot(s, swap_dim = TRUE, top_m = 2)