Generate report after training

  output_file = NULL,
  output_format = "pdf_document",
  output_dir = getwd(),
  check_data = TRUE



The output of `train()` function.


The otput file name.


Format of the output file ('pdf_document', 'html_document' or both).


The path where the report will be saved, by default - the working directory.


If TRUE, prints results of `check_data()` function.


Report generated to the local file. It contains table with metrics for every model, scatter plot for chosen metric and result of `check_data()` function - about used data.


train_output <- train(lisbon, 'Price')
#>  Type guessed as:  regression 
#>  -------------------- CHECK DATA REPORT -------------------- 
#> The dataset has 246 observations and 17 columns, which names are: 
#> Id; Condition; PropertyType; PropertySubType; Bedrooms; Bathrooms; AreaNet; AreaGross; Parking; Latitude; Longitude; Country; District; Municipality; Parish; Price.M2; Price; 
#> With the target value described by a column Price.
#>  Static columns are: 
#>  Country; District; Municipality; 
#>  With dominating values: 
#>  Portugal; Lisboa; Lisboa; 
#>  These column pairs are duplicate:
#>  District - Municipality; 
#>  No target values are missing. 
#>  No predictor values are missing. 
#>  No issues with dimensionality. 
#>  Strongly correlated, by Spearman rank, pairs of numerical values are: 
#>  Bedrooms - AreaNet: 0.77;
#>  Bedrooms - AreaGross: 0.77;
#>  Bathrooms - AreaNet: 0.78;
#>  Bathrooms - AreaGross: 0.78;
#>  AreaNet - AreaGross: 1;
#>  Strongly correlated, by Crammer's V rank, pairs of categorical values are: 
#>  PropertyType - PropertySubType: 1;
#>  These obserwation migth be outliers due to their numerical columns values: 
#>  145 146 196 44 5 51 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 69 75 76 77 78 ;
#>  Target data is not evenly distributed with quantile bins: 0.25 0.35 0.14 0.26 
#>  Columns names suggest that some of them are IDs, removing them can improve the model.
#>  Suspicious columns are: Id .
#>  Columns data suggest that some of them are IDs, removing them can improve the model.
#>  Suspicious columns are: Id .
#>  -------------------- CHECK DATA REPORT END -------------------- 
#>  Data preprocessed. 
#>  Data split and balanced. 
#>  Correct formats prepared. 
#>  Models successfully trained. 
#>  Predicted successfully. 
report(train_output, 'regression.pdf')
#> processing file: report.Rmd
  |                                                                      |   0%
  |....                                                                  |   5%
#>    inline R code fragments
  |.......                                                               |  10%
#> label: setup (with options) 
#> List of 1
#>  $ include: logi FALSE
  |..........                                                            |  15%
#>    inline R code fragments
  |..............                                                        |  20%
#> label: table
  |..................                                                    |  25%
#>   ordinary text without R code
  |.....................                                                 |  30%
#> label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options) 
#> List of 1
#>  $ echo: logi FALSE
  |........................                                              |  35%
#>   ordinary text without R code
  |............................                                          |  40%
#> label: radar_plot (with options) 
#> List of 1
#>  $ out.width: chr "90%"
#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will
#> replace the existing one.
  |................................                                      |  45%
#>   ordinary text without R code
  |...................................                                   |  50%
#> label: boxplot (with options) 
#> List of 1
#>  $ out.width: chr "90%"
  |......................................                                |  55%
#>   ordinary text without R code
  |..........................................                            |  60%
#> label: VS_plot (with options) 
#> List of 1
#>  $ out.width: chr "100%"
  |..............................................                        |  65%
#>    inline R code fragments
  |.................................................                     |  70%
#> label: plots_for_the_best_model (with options) 
#> List of 1
#>  $ out.width: chr "50%"
  |....................................................                  |  75%
#>    inline R code fragments
  |........................................................              |  80%
#> label: feature_importance
#> Scale for colour is already present.
#> Adding another scale for colour, which will replace the existing scale.
  |............................................................          |  85%
#>   ordinary text without R code
  |...............................................................       |  90%
#> label: check_data (with options) 
#> List of 1
#>  $ results: chr "asis"
  |..................................................................    |  95%
#>   ordinary text without R code
  |......................................................................| 100%
#> label: unnamed-chunk-2
#> output file:
#> "C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/quarto/bin/tools/pandoc" +RTS -K512m -RTS --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash --output pandoc206c4d7e4c.tex --lua-filter "C:\Users\AnnA\AppData\Local\R\win-library\4.2\rmarkdown\rmarkdown\lua\pagebreak.lua" --lua-filter "C:\Users\AnnA\AppData\Local\R\win-library\4.2\rmarkdown\rmarkdown\lua\latex-div.lua" --self-contained --highlight-style tango --pdf-engine pdflatex --variable graphics --variable "geometry:margin=1in" 
#> Output created: regression.pdf