Summarizes merging path by giving pairs of factor groups merged in each iteration.

mergingHistory(factorMerger, showStats = FALSE, penalty, round = TRUE)



Object of a class factorMerger


If TRUE extends results with the loglikelihood (column model), p-value for the LRT tests against the full model (column pval) and Generalized Information Criterion value (column GIC). By default showStats is set to FALSE.


GIC penalty


Logical. If TRUE, the default, statistics are rounded


randSample <- generateMultivariateSample(N = 100, k = 10, d = 3) fm <- mergeFactors(randSample$response, randSample$factor) mergingHistory(fm, showStats = TRUE)
#> groupA groupB model pvalVsFull #> 0 -393.6009 1.0000 #> 1 (C) (A) -393.7679 0.9608 #> 2 (D) (B) -394.2750 0.9764 #> 3 (F) (I) -395.7468 0.9183 #> 4 (H) (D)(B) -397.6964 0.8266 #> 5 (F)(I) (H)(D)(B) -399.6460 0.7464 #> 6 (C)(A) (E) -401.8645 0.6445 #> 7 (G) (C)(A)(E) -403.7338 0.5985 #> 8 (G)(C)(A)(E) (F)(I)(H)(D)(B) -407.5849 0.3595 #> 9 (G)(C)(A)(E)(F)(I)(H)(D)(B) (J) -421.7691 0.0037 #> pvalVsPrevious #> 0 1.0000 #> 1 0.9608 #> 2 0.8236 #> 3 0.4464 #> 4 0.3121 #> 5 0.3072 #> 6 0.2459 #> 7 0.3165 #> 8 0.0614 #> 9 0.0000