Calculate correlation coefficients between variables in a data.frame, matrix or table using 3 different functions for 3 different possible pairs of vairables:

  • numeric - numeric

  • numeric - categorical

  • categorical - categorical

  num_num_f = NULL,
  num_cat_f = NULL,
  cat_cat_f = NULL,
  max_cor = NULL

# S3 method for explainer
  num_num_f = NULL,
  num_cat_f = NULL,
  cat_cat_f = NULL,
  max_cor = NULL

# S3 method for matrix
  num_num_f = NULL,
  num_cat_f = NULL,
  cat_cat_f = NULL,
  max_cor = NULL

# S3 method for table
  num_num_f = NULL,
  num_cat_f = NULL,
  cat_cat_f = NULL,
  max_cor = NULL

# S3 method for default
  num_num_f = NULL,
  num_cat_f = NULL,
  cat_cat_f = NULL,
  max_cor = NULL



object used to select method. See more below.


A function used to determine correlation coefficient between a pair of numeric variables


A function used to determine correlation coefficient between a pair of numeric and categorical variable


A function used to determine correlation coefficient between a pair of categorical variables


A number used to indicate absolute correlation (like 1 in cor). Must be supplied if any of *_f arguments is supplied.


A symmetrical matrix A of size n x n, where n - amount of columns in x (or dimensions for table). The value at A(i,j) is the correlation coefficient between ith and jth variable. On the diagonal, values from max_cor are set.

X argument

When x is a data.frame, all columns of numeric type are treated as numeric variables and all columns of factor type are treated as categorical variables. Columns of other types are ignored.

When x is a matrix, it is converted to data.frame using

When x is a explainer, the tests are performed on its data element.

When x is a table, it is treated as contingency table. Its dimensions must be named, but none of them may be named Frequency.

Default functions

By default, the function calculates p_value of statistical tests ( cor.test for 2 numeric, chisq.test for factor and kruskal.test for mixed).

Then, the correlation coefficients are calculated as -log10(p_value). Any results above 100 are treated as absolute correlation and cut to 100.

The results are then divided by 100 to fit inside [0,1].

If only numeric data was supplied, the function used is cor.test.

Custom functions

Creating consistent measures for correlation coefficients, which are comparable for different kinds of variables, is a non-trivial task. Therefore, if user wishes to use custom function for calculating correlation coefficients, he must provide all necessary functions. Using a custom function for one case and a default for the other is consciously not supported. Naturally, user may supply copies of default functions at his own responsibility.

Function calculate_cors chooses, which parameters of *_f are required based on data supported. For example, for a matrix with numeric data only num_num_f is required. On the other hand, for a table only cat_cat_f is required.

All *_f parameters must be functions, which accept 2 parameters (numeric or factor vectors respectively) and return a single number from [0,max_num]. The num_cat_f must accept numeric argument as first and factor argument as second.

See also


data(mtcars) # Make sure, that categorical variables are factors mtcars$vs <- factor(mtcars$vs, labels = c('V-shaped', 'straight')) mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am, labels = c('automatic', 'manual')) calculate_cors(mtcars)
#> mpg cyl disp hp drat wt #> mpg 1.00000000 0.09213768 0.09027782 0.067476725 0.047504984 0.098880796 #> cyl 0.09213768 1.00000000 0.11744043 0.084586878 0.050838285 0.069145071 #> disp 0.09027782 0.11744043 1.00000000 0.071461389 0.052771998 0.109128153 #> hp 0.06747673 0.08458688 0.07146139 1.000000000 0.020004879 0.043823888 #> drat 0.04750498 0.05083829 0.05277200 0.020004879 1.000000000 0.053201852 #> wt 0.09888080 0.06914507 0.10912815 0.043823888 0.053201852 1.000000000 #> qsec 0.01767462 0.03436456 0.01881271 0.052391063 0.002079008 0.004699691 #> vs 0.04078383 0.05231293 0.04252054 0.045443188 0.018952975 0.029658944 #> am 0.02756135 0.02437490 0.03291156 0.013599308 0.038793688 0.043978089 #> gear 0.02267530 0.02379521 0.03016107 0.003071426 0.050777880 0.033385091 #> carb 0.02964792 0.02711675 0.01597431 0.061063597 0.002067802 0.018345001 #> qsec vs am gear carb #> mpg 0.017674616 0.040783832 0.027561351 0.022675300 0.029647920 #> cyl 0.034364557 0.052312933 0.024374902 0.023795207 0.027116748 #> disp 0.018812712 0.042520543 0.032911561 0.030161068 0.015974311 #> hp 0.052391063 0.045443188 0.013599308 0.003071426 0.061063597 #> drat 0.002079008 0.018952975 0.038793688 0.050777880 0.002067802 #> wt 0.004699691 0.029658944 0.043978089 0.033385091 0.018345001 #> qsec 1.000000000 0.049801564 0.005890707 0.006152266 0.043432361 #> vs 0.049801564 1.000000000 0.002553069 0.025715289 0.019595498 #> am 0.005890707 0.002553069 1.000000000 0.044059498 0.005198029 #> gear 0.006152266 0.025715289 0.044059498 1.000000000 0.008893124 #> carb 0.043432361 0.019595498 0.005198029 0.008893124 1.000000000
# For a table: data(HairEyeColor) calculate_cors(HairEyeColor)
#> Hair Eye Sex #> Hair 1.00000000 0.246335235 0.013360089 #> Eye 0.24633523 1.000000000 0.001704363 #> Sex 0.01336009 0.001704363 1.000000000
# Custom functions: num_mtcars <- mtcars[,-which(colnames(mtcars) %in% c('vs', 'am'))] my_f <- function(x,y) cor.test(x, y, method = 'spearman', exact=FALSE)$estimate calculate_cors(num_mtcars, num_num_f = my_f, max_cor = 1)
#> mpg cyl disp hp drat wt #> mpg 1.0000000 -0.9108013 -0.9088824 -0.8946646 0.65145546 -0.8864220 #> cyl -0.9108013 1.0000000 0.9276516 0.9017909 -0.67888119 0.8577282 #> disp -0.9088824 0.9276516 1.0000000 0.8510426 -0.68359210 0.8977064 #> hp -0.8946646 0.9017909 0.8510426 1.0000000 -0.52012499 0.7746767 #> drat 0.6514555 -0.6788812 -0.6835921 -0.5201250 1.00000000 -0.7503904 #> wt -0.8864220 0.8577282 0.8977064 0.7746767 -0.75039041 1.0000000 #> qsec 0.4669358 -0.5723509 -0.4597818 -0.6666060 0.09186863 -0.2254012 #> gear 0.5427816 -0.5643105 -0.5944703 -0.3314016 0.74481617 -0.6761284 #> carb -0.6574976 0.5800680 0.5397781 0.7333794 -0.12522294 0.4998120 #> qsec gear carb #> mpg 0.46693575 0.5427816 -0.6574976 #> cyl -0.57235095 -0.5643105 0.5800680 #> disp -0.45978176 -0.5944703 0.5397781 #> hp -0.66660602 -0.3314016 0.7333794 #> drat 0.09186863 0.7448162 -0.1252229 #> wt -0.22540120 -0.6761284 0.4998120 #> qsec 1.00000000 -0.1481997 -0.6587181 #> gear -0.14819967 1.0000000 0.1148870 #> carb -0.65871814 0.1148870 1.0000000