This functions plots selected measures of importance for variables and interactions. It is possible to visualise importance table in two ways: radar plot with six measures and scatter plot with two choosen measures.

# S3 method for importance
plot(x, ..., top = 10, radar = TRUE,
  text_start_point = 0.5, text_size = 3.5, xmeasure = "sumCover",
  ymeasure = "sumGain")



a result from the importance function.


other parameters.


number of positions on the plot or NULL for all variable. Default 10.


TRUE/FALSE. If TRUE the plot shows six measures of variables' or interactions' importance in the model. If FALSE the plot containing two chosen measures of variables' or interactions' importance in the model.


place, where the names of the particular feature start. Available for `radar=TRUE`. Range from 0 to 1. Default 0.5.


size of the text on the plot. Default 3.5.


measure on the x-axis.Available for `radar=FALSE`. Default "sumCover".


measure on the y-axis. Available for `radar=FALSE`. Default "sumGain".


a ggplot object


Available measures:

  • "sumGain" - sum of Gain value in all nodes, in which given variable occurs,

  • "sumCover" - sum of Cover value in all nodes, in which given variable occurs; for LightGBM models: number of observation, which pass through the node,

  • "mean5Gain" - mean gain from 5 occurrences of given variable with the highest gain,

  • "meanGain" - mean Gain value in all nodes, in which given variable occurs,

  • "meanCover" - mean Cover value in all nodes, in which given variable occurs; for LightGBM models: mean number of observation, which pass through the node,

  • "freqency" - number of occurrences in the nodes for given variable.

Additionally for plots with single variables:

  • "meanDepth" - mean depth weighted by gain,

  • "numberOfRoots" - number of occurrences in the root,

  • "weightedRoot" - mean number of occurrences in the root, which is weighted by gain.


library("EIX") library("Matrix") sm <- sparse.model.matrix(left ~ . - 1, data = HR_data) library("xgboost") param <- list(objective = "binary:logistic", max_depth = 2) xgb_model <- xgboost(sm, params = param, label = HR_data[, left] == 1, nrounds = 25, verbose=0) imp <- importance(xgb_model, sm, option = "both") imp
#> Feature sumGain sumCover meanGain meanCover #> 1: satisfaction_level 9549.00 33480.0 502.60 1762.0 #> 2: time_spend_company 3902.00 16670.0 354.70 1516.0 #> 3: number_project 3645.00 11670.0 331.40 1061.0 #> 4: last_evaluation 993.00 9803.0 141.90 1400.0 #> 5: last_evaluation:average_montly_hours 702.10 697.7 702.10 697.7 #> 6: last_evaluation:time_spend_company 564.30 665.5 564.30 665.5 #> 7: last_evaluation:satisfaction_level 502.90 1374.0 502.90 1374.0 #> 8: average_montly_hours 487.50 6995.0 97.50 1399.0 #> 9: last_evaluation:number_project 390.20 1163.0 390.20 1163.0 #> 10: satisfaction_level:time_spend_company 332.20 753.6 332.20 753.6 #> 11: average_montly_hours:time_spend_company 262.60 549.2 262.60 549.2 #> 12: average_montly_hours:last_evaluation 249.10 837.4 249.10 837.4 #> 13: Work_accident 198.00 2820.0 98.99 1410.0 #> 14: satisfaction_level:average_montly_hours 168.40 496.0 168.40 496.0 #> 15: salarylow 90.24 1444.0 90.24 1444.0 #> 16: satisfaction_level:number_project 87.10 1096.0 87.10 1096.0 #> 17: time_spend_company:last_evaluation 86.27 1242.0 86.27 1242.0 #> 18: salarymedium 45.28 709.2 45.28 709.2 #> frequency mean5Gain #> 1: 19 1513.00 #> 2: 11 670.40 #> 3: 11 697.40 #> 4: 7 183.00 #> 5: 1 702.10 #> 6: 1 564.30 #> 7: 1 502.90 #> 8: 5 97.50 #> 9: 1 390.20 #> 10: 1 332.20 #> 11: 1 262.60 #> 12: 1 249.10 #> 13: 2 98.99 #> 14: 1 168.40 #> 15: 1 90.24 #> 16: 1 87.10 #> 17: 1 86.27 #> 18: 1 45.28
plot(imp, top = 10)
imp <- importance(xgb_model, sm, option = "variables") imp
#> Feature numberOfRoots weightedRoot meanDepth sumGain sumCover #> 1: satisfaction_level 11 8.9340 0.1598 10050.00 34850.0 #> 2: time_spend_company 3 0.1399 0.9042 5061.00 18640.0 #> 3: number_project 0 0.0000 1.0000 4122.00 13930.0 #> 4: average_montly_hours 3 0.0920 0.7652 1358.00 8189.0 #> 5: last_evaluation 5 0.4139 0.3519 1328.00 11880.0 #> 6: Work_accident 2 0.0381 0.0000 198.00 2820.0 #> 7: salarylow 1 0.0087 0.0000 90.24 1444.0 #> 8: salarymedium 0 0.0000 1.0000 45.28 709.2 #> meanGain meanCover frequency mean5Gain #> 1: 502.60 1743.0 20 1513.00 #> 2: 361.50 1332.0 14 751.50 #> 3: 317.10 1071.0 13 721.70 #> 4: 194.00 1170.0 7 241.70 #> 5: 147.60 1320.0 9 208.60 #> 6: 98.99 1410.0 2 98.99 #> 7: 90.24 1444.0 1 90.24 #> 8: 45.28 709.2 1 45.28
plot(imp, top = nrow(imp))
imp <- importance(xgb_model, sm, option = "interactions") imp
#> Feature sumGain sumCover meanGain meanCover #> 1: last_evaluation:average_montly_hours 702.10 697.7 702.10 697.7 #> 2: last_evaluation:time_spend_company 564.30 665.5 564.30 665.5 #> 3: last_evaluation:satisfaction_level 502.90 1374.0 502.90 1374.0 #> 4: last_evaluation:number_project 390.20 1163.0 390.20 1163.0 #> 5: satisfaction_level:time_spend_company 332.20 753.6 332.20 753.6 #> 6: average_montly_hours:time_spend_company 262.60 549.2 262.60 549.2 #> 7: average_montly_hours:last_evaluation 249.10 837.4 249.10 837.4 #> 8: satisfaction_level:average_montly_hours 168.40 496.0 168.40 496.0 #> 9: satisfaction_level:number_project 87.10 1096.0 87.10 1096.0 #> 10: time_spend_company:last_evaluation 86.27 1242.0 86.27 1242.0 #> frequency mean5Gain #> 1: 1 702.10 #> 2: 1 564.30 #> 3: 1 502.90 #> 4: 1 390.20 #> 5: 1 332.20 #> 6: 1 262.60 #> 7: 1 249.10 #> 8: 1 168.40 #> 9: 1 87.10 #> 10: 1 86.27
plot(imp, top = nrow(imp))
imp <- importance(xgb_model, sm, option = "variables") imp
#> Feature numberOfRoots weightedRoot meanDepth sumGain sumCover #> 1: satisfaction_level 11 8.9340 0.1598 10050.00 34850.0 #> 2: time_spend_company 3 0.1399 0.9042 5061.00 18640.0 #> 3: number_project 0 0.0000 1.0000 4122.00 13930.0 #> 4: average_montly_hours 3 0.0920 0.7652 1358.00 8189.0 #> 5: last_evaluation 5 0.4139 0.3519 1328.00 11880.0 #> 6: Work_accident 2 0.0381 0.0000 198.00 2820.0 #> 7: salarylow 1 0.0087 0.0000 90.24 1444.0 #> 8: salarymedium 0 0.0000 1.0000 45.28 709.2 #> meanGain meanCover frequency mean5Gain #> 1: 502.60 1743.0 20 1513.00 #> 2: 361.50 1332.0 14 751.50 #> 3: 317.10 1071.0 13 721.70 #> 4: 194.00 1170.0 7 241.70 #> 5: 147.60 1320.0 9 208.60 #> 6: 98.99 1410.0 2 98.99 #> 7: 90.24 1444.0 1 90.24 #> 8: 45.28 709.2 1 45.28
plot(imp, top = NULL, radar = FALSE, xmeasure = "sumCover", ymeasure = "sumGain")
library(lightgbm) train_data <- lgb.Dataset(sm, label = HR_data[, left] == 1) params <- list(objective = "binary", max_depth = 2) lgb_model <- lgb.train(params, train_data, 25) imp <- importance(lgb_model, sm, option = "both") imp
#> Feature sumGain sumCover meanGain meanCover #> 1: satisfaction_level 22290.0 77090 1013.00 3504 #> 2: number_project 9900.0 45910 396.00 1836 #> 3: time_spend_company 7284.0 38150 560.30 2934 #> 4: satisfaction_level:time_spend_company 2434.0 8112 811.30 2704 #> 5: last_evaluation 757.3 11550 84.14 1283 #> 6: last_evaluation:average_montly_hours 658.0 1249 658.00 1249 #> 7: last_evaluation:satisfaction_level 540.0 2500 540.00 2500 #> 8: time_spend_company:last_evaluation 341.3 2939 341.30 2939 #> frequency mean5Gain #> 1: 22 2227.0 #> 2: 25 997.4 #> 3: 13 955.7 #> 4: 3 811.3 #> 5: 9 151.5 #> 6: 1 658.0 #> 7: 1 540.0 #> 8: 1 341.3
plot(imp, top = nrow(imp))
imp <- importance(lgb_model, sm, option = "variables") imp
#> Feature numberOfRoots weightedRoot meanDepth sumGain sumCover #> 1: satisfaction_level 20 18.8300 0.08783 22830 79590 #> 2: number_project 0 0.0000 1.00000 9900 45910 #> 3: time_spend_company 4 0.1914 0.89110 9718 46260 #> 4: last_evaluation 1 0.0106 0.78610 1099 14490 #> 5: average_montly_hours 0 0.0000 1.00000 658 1249 #> meanGain meanCover frequency mean5Gain #> 1: 992.7 3460 23 2227.0 #> 2: 396.0 1836 25 997.4 #> 3: 607.4 2891 16 995.1 #> 4: 109.9 1449 10 219.7 #> 5: 658.0 1249 1 658.0
plot(imp, top = NULL, radar = FALSE, xmeasure = "sumCover", ymeasure = "sumGain")